Thursday, September 18, 2008

Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood

Hello everyone, I have been very lazy lately. Well I mean on keeping up on my blog, otherwise I have been very busy! I decided that things were just not working out with the host family that I was living with, so I decided to move out into my own house. I am now living in the old home of Paul and Holly, and couldn't be happier! The first night was a little uncomfortable as all I had was a mattress and I had to sleep on the floor, but oh well the bed is very comfortable! The last few weeks I have been getting things for my house. I have made about 35 trips to the market buying everything from silverware, plastic tables and chairs (which are very expensive by the way), to laundry detergent, wood tables for my bedroom and living room, and bricks and planks of wood to make a bookshelf. It was fun buying the tables and very painless. The weird part was that I hired a local bolo (drunk) to put the three tables on his cart, and then push the cart through the streets to my house. At first he decided that we wanted to charge me 40 cords (2 bucks) but when he got to the house he said, “Well I pushed really far, and it weighed a lot and I'm really tired, I think you should give me something else.” I told him that I would give him 50 cords and we'd call it even but then he said, “No, I mean give me something from your house.” I decided that I had had enough so after I got the tables in the house, I gave him the 50 cords and just closed the door.
I think it was my third day, when I woke up at 8 AM, there were already 10-15 bolos out in the streets who had already “got their drink on” and had probably had it on for about 3 hours, they were singing, unfortunately it was no Latin American Idol by any means. These performances, by the way, were all being performed on my door step. It took a while to wait for them to get off the steps, and as soon as they started wandering off the steps, I took Holly's advice and started sweeping and then took a bunch of water and threw it all over, because the drunks wont sit on the steps if it's wet. That night I was getting ready for bed when I heard something jump my patio fence. Then I heard something start screwing around with my clothes line outside of my house. I walked to the back room and I could hear two people whispering and someone breathing loudly. What a fricking welcoming committee, I think, and of course I have nothing to defend myself with when he breaks in. So I did what any strong, well built man would do. I grabbed the bottle of Raid and I started spraying it out the opening of the roof/ceiling. I kept spraying and spraying, and after a while there was no more deep breathing, so I decided that they left. Now I'm trying to figure out if it was two men, or two really big cockroaches. The next morning I made my 38th visit to the market and bought myself a 20 inch machete... just in case. Every night I swipe the machete across the wall, just to let the bolos outside know that if they break in, I will not think twice to cut a bitch!
I think I have a best friend already after only a few days in my new house. He's 11 and his name is Roger. Paul and Holly said he was a good kid, and for the last couple of days he come over like 5-10 times a day, always when I'm watching a movie or watching “fair and balanced” Fox News. (I know, I know, but in my defense its the only good news station I get here.) On many of my journeys to the market, he tags along with me and helps do some of the shopping. When we were in the market and looking for a new hammock, the prices of course jumped up when they saw me coming so when we got home he told him mom, and she let me know that she would go with me and get things I needed for better prices.
I'm not exactly sure whats going on around this barrio because since I have moved in, people have been dropping like flies around here. You see, the way they let everyone know that someone has passed away, they attach huge speakers to a taxi, and the taxi drives around playing a recorded message letting everyone know who has passed, their brothers and sisters and when and where the funeral will be. It's weird because as I have said before they don't have addresses here such as 1505 Lopez Lane, but rather they use directions like “From the Faith Pharmacy three block north, and two block East”. So just the other day I was talking to Roger's family when said taxi drove around playing another death notice, and when they said the address of the person, everyone lifted their hand in unison and followed the directions counting the street blocks and at the end all realizing who it was. It seemed a little strange to me at first, but now I've gotten used to it.
One of my counterparts has introduced me to a few of her friends, “just to meet me” and in the end they all want free English classes. I have no problem giving free English classes, but I can only offer classes to so many people and I don't think she gets it. She really has no interest in having any English classes but wants me to teach everyone else. Just the other day I was introduced to another friend of hers, who also works at another school (FYI another death just happened, the taxi just went by) anyways. I met her and she asked me the normal question if I would be able to work with her students by offering them an advanced speaking class. I said I would talk to my boss to see if I could work at another school, because really if they needed a Peace Corps volunteer, the Peace Corps would have sent someone there. While talking about the classes my counterpart asked her how much they were offering to pay me. Before I had a chance to say that I cannot accept payment for my classes, she said that they have worked with PC volunteers and that we cannot accept payment. I asked her when the classes were, she dropped the bomb. They are on Saturday mornings from 8- noon, and if I could squeeze it in from 1PM-3PM as well. Right then I came to the conclusion that they don't have a teacher for this class, and since I work for free, why not take advantage of it...right?! I said I would call her after I had talked to my boss, we had our meeting at like 2PM. That evening between 6-7 she called 4 times to see if I had talked to her yet. I decided that I will work with them, but only if they follow the PC rule. There must be an English teacher in the room working with me, as I cannot teach a class alone, and my primary job here is a TEFL teacher trainer, and not a substitute teacher. Also I will do it every other Saturday because I need time for me as well. This afternoon when I went to school my counterpart asked me if I had gotten a hold of the teacher yet because they need me to start this Saturday and the next three Saturdays and she wanted to know if I was only going to work the 8am-noon or both shifts. LOL...WOW can we say FORWARD MUCH?!
On a better note, my mom emailed me and let me know she bought her tickets for the trip down here! Now I have to decide where I am going to bring them for their trip. I know for sure we will go to the Volcano here in Masaya, and prolly a day trip to Granada. I was also thinking the Selva Negra in Matagalpa. And also going to the Island of Ometepe. It is in the running for being one of the world's 7 natural wonders of the World. Not sure what there is to do there, but Ill have to talk to some of the volunteers on the island to have a better idea on how much time to spend there and what there is to do.
I think we will be skipping Managua because its not such a great place to be, with recent violence in the area towards foreigners and I know that if we take precautions we should be safe, but I would rather skip it and just be safe.

The least few days we were celebrating independence day here in Nicaragua, so we didn't have school from Monday-Wednesday so Lara, Adam and Elizabeth decided to stop by and spend a few days here in Masaya. It was great to see everyone, because it's been 7 weeks since I had last seen them. The first night we decided to join the local bolos and enjoy a little Flor de Cana, a wonderful Rum made here in Nicaragua. There were 6 of us, so the bottle that Lara and Adam brought didn't satisfy our needs so we decided to walk to the Pulperia, a little home based store where you can find most anything, to purchase another bottle. When we got to the store, the store owner was very very inebriated, so Lara thought it would be a good idea to try her bargaining skills and see if the owner would lower the price of the Rum. I thought it was a great interaction to watch! Kind of like going into Walmart and telling the clerk, “I will not pay more than 7 dollars for this 9 dollar bottle of Rum”. Well needless to say her bargaining skills were not up to par and we paid full price. Either way we had a great time, except for Elizabeth who decided it was the right time to come down with a little touch of something and spent the night resting in bed between visits to the bathroom. While having a conversation about what we planned to do after the Peace Corps, because you know that 670 days is JUST around the corner, Lara spotted a mouse running on the floor on my house, so as any normal person would do, we grabbed a headlamp and a 20 inch machete blade and went in search of our friend, Mr Mouse.(see picture below) We didn't find him, but we sure had a great time doing so.
The next morning we decided to go to the Laguna de Apoyo a little lake that was created by a crater, for a little dip and even more Tona. After swimming, we decided to try and hitchhike back to the highway because it is a long walk back UP the road to the highway, unfortunately the cars passing by were not having any of it, so no rides were offered. We decided to walk a little ways to the bus stop and wait for a taxi. We got home safe and sound with nothing major to report.
A few days ago, my next door neighbor brought me to the market to get some fruits and a hammock. She came over a few hours later and asked me if I would like her to show me how to make a refresco or a drink. I agreed and let her come inside to show me. She cut the oranges for me and squeezed the juice into the container and showed me exactly how much sugar and water to add. She used water from the faucet and not the bottled water I had but I decided when in Rome. After washing all the dishes she used, she told me that I had a lot of dust on my floor, and that I should really sweep that up. I informed her that Sundays are the days I do my cleaning when she looked at me and informed me that, “Hoy es domingo” Today IS Sunday. And grabbed my mop and started sweeping my floor with the mop and then proceeded to mop my floor for me. When she left she gave me an “Adios” and let me know that, “Te dejo con la casa limpa” I leave you with a clean house. What a nice lady she is. (Side note: I sure hope the taxi with the speakers doesn't come passing by reading her name)
After taking the advice of my neighbors and waiting until Independence Day, because there might be some good sales, I went to all of the stores looking for my good sales. Not a rebaja or sale in sight! I decided I could not wait any longer for a fridge, so I am pleased to announce that I am the owner of a brand new Mexican refrigerator. It's nice to actually be able to drink something cold and not room temperature... AND I NOW HAVE ICE... How great is that. Thank god for my bank account at home, as I spent a month and a half salary on the dang thing. I just hope that This fridge isnt like appliances back home... made to break. I decided to go with the cheaper of two fridges because after talking to the salesman at the store, he informed me that although the more expensive one comes with a three year guarantee, it's made in El Salvador and is more likely to break. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hope this buggers lasts two years.... Oops be right back, have to fill up on my ICE water!! Ahhh it's so nice to say that... ICE WATER.
OK back. Well there is nothing more to report on as of right now, I am finishing this up and I have to go to class. We'll see if any of the kids actually come to class because I was told by most of the teachers that since the students had Monday through Wednesday off, most likely, the will not come until next Monday. Well I leave you with a few pictures I have take from the last few weeks. I'll talk to you all again soon!

** yeah no class today, hardly any students came, so they told the ones that did to go home, and cancelled classes***

Lara not realizing Adam was drowning, he sure will be missed!

My front lock was stuck shut, had to have a neighbor come over and but me out of my own house....waste of 3 bucks for a lock.

THANKS Kayla for my first real meal I had at my apartment!

Lara VERY serious hunting for the mouse in the house.

Next door neighbor Roger.

The guys that clean the streets.

Our taxi ride to Laguna de Apoyo, what a tight ride!!


Anonymous said...

John- Great blog!! It was very interesting and I was happy to see pictures besides. I'm glad that you finally got your fridge so you can have someplace to cool your TONA. It was nice to hear that Liz, Lara and Matt made it to your new apartment and could spend a few days. It was great talking to you today and I will get out a package to you next week. I can't beat Kaylas mac and cheese but I will send the necessities like sticky mouse traps and roach motels. With your pets running around the house, you shouldn't get lonely. Have the students come and clean your house for payment for the English classes. Just a thought. Will talk to you soon. Again, it was a great blog. Mom

Anonymous said...

Good job on the blog, and congrats on all the new things for the new place. Hmm maybe you will catch the mouse someday. Glad you got the chance to have people over for the first time. I agree with your mom, have the students come and clean your house, then you don't have to. Keep up the good work John.

Ryan said...

John, You should call Dona Cristina and ask her about her mousetraps... Those things dont even wake you up when they get kills (just put em up against the wall) but be careful cause they arent always dead. Anyway, Im just killin time waitin for my post service dental exam and found your blog. Im glad everything seems to be going well for you and hopefully you can find some counterparts that dont suck soon.

Kayla said...

juanito! i'm glad u enjoyed the mac & cheese. another care package will be on the way shortly. let me know if there is anything u are in dire need of and i'll throw it in the package. i'm glad to hear ur doing so well. although i'm not sure this is the REAL John Cunningham because it sound like ur waaaaay nicer than the man i know. ;) love u and miss u!